Are you in charge of tenders in your organisation? Or are you required to contribute to bids from time to time? It’s important to stay current with industry best practice and ensure that when bidding, you are doing so from a place of professional knowledge, not a ‘I think I know what I’m doing but mostly I’m just freaking out’ mindset.
The APMP is the Association of Proposal Management Professionals – and it’s about as exciting as it sounds (actually I genuinely get quite excited about this stuff but I have it on good authority from, well, everyone, that I’m a weirdo).
Anyway, connecting with this industry body is an important part of best practice bidding. Most businesses stop at knowing what they offer and understanding their client (in fact, an alarming number of organisations don’t even know that much) but understanding the bidding world in general is critical to ensuring you are presenting a professional bid, regardless of subject matter.
Find them at apmpanz.org for the Australian and New Zealand chapter…or connect with APMP registered businesses and professionals (like us…see what I did there?)
Happy bidding!
Eliza Carbines